Thursday, March 20, 2014

March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

Hi Family –

So this week has been pretty cool, we did a lot of walking around.  We didn’t get our goals for this week, but we have five “Goldens” so that is pretty sick.  I know that Mom has asked for a more detailed account of my week, so I have been writing things down on a card so my emails are a bit more specific.  So here’s a re-cap of my week.

Monday we had P-day and I played Piki Volley (which is like volleyball, but you play with your chest, legs, feet, and head) and that was pretty fun although I wasn’t very good at it.  I am used to playing regular volleyball and so my instinct was to go for the ball with my hands, but after a little while I got better and it was super fun.  After volleyball, we got some food to eat and that was good.  We ended the night with a “Noche de Hogar” which is Family Home Evening in Spanish – “Night at Home” which actually doesn’t make sense to me because it doesn’t say “family” at all, with the Lopez Family and that was a lot of fun.   As I was leaving the Lopez Family’s house, they cracked eggs on my head and threw flour all over me.   It was pretty funny!  The Lopez Family also made me a birthday cake, which I wrote “Happy Birthday” in Guarani on, which was pretty cool!
 was pretty funny!  The Lopez Family also made me a birthday cake, which I wrote “Happy Birthday” in Guarani on, which was pretty cool!

Tuesday:  On Sunday we had a family come to Church that we had never talked to before and they weren’t members, so we made an appointment with them for Tuesday.  Tuesday’s appointment was so amazing because after we taught them, they asked when they could be baptized.  This practically never happens and we are so excited.  The family is super into the church, they are “Golden.”  They are going to be baptized on April 12th for the wife and two daughters, and we are trying to get the dad ready to be baptized as well so we can complete the household.  On Tuesday, we also taught a less-active member, and it was really cool because she is so ready to come back to church.. 
Wednesday:  On Wednesday, we walked a lot.  That wasn’t very fun, but we apparently need to learn diligence, so I guess that is chill.  We did end up talking to one guy and the conversation was easier than it has been in the past, so my Spanish is definitely coming along.  But other than that, it was just a lot and lot of walking.
Thursday: We had lunch at the Lopez home, and then walked around a bunch.  We didn’t get that many lessons in this week, so we had to walk a lot and that was pretty boring.  A sad thing, we saw a dog that had a ton of fleas on it, and it looked like it was about to die, and I felt super bad because there are a lot of dogs just like this all over the place. Thursday night was had a Noche de Hogar with the Prietto Family and that was pretty cool.  My companion cooked soup and apparently they had never had it before. HaHa.  But yeah, that was pretty cool.  A crazy thing, while we were walking around on Thursday there was a guy that was having a bowel movement right in the middle of the street.  It was gross, but really, really funny. It is so different living in a third world country.  Other than that, it was just a normal day.  A lot of our lessons have been falling through, and so we do a lot and walking and I may be losing weight so that would be cool. 
Friday. We walked a whole lot again with little to no success in trying to get lessons, but it’s all good – I am getting in shape.  We did hit our goals on Friday, so our week was 1/5.  While out, we stopped by a member’s house, and it was her grandpa’s birthday so they were having a meal for him, and her husband was drunk and kept giving us lots and lots of really good meat, so that was fun.
Saturday:  Well Saturday was my birthday, and that was pretty fun.  We had a chill day and cooked steak (they have this thing called asalido or whatever and it is just steak marinated in soy sauce and some salt and it is super, super dank for like homemade kebabs) and made French fries for lunch, and then had dinner at the Bishop’s house, and he got a cake and everything so that was really cool.  We taught a few lessons with less active members on Saturday, in particular, one family we taught embraced what we were saying really well and when we left, they had planned to come to church the next day, which was sick.  Funny thing … While we were cooking lunch for my birthday, the next house had some American music playing, so I got to listen to American music on my birthday and that was super sick.  Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, they meant a lot.  It is really, really nice to have the support of all of you! ;) 
Sunday, we had five “progressing investigators” in church and they all have baptismal dates, and we feel like they are super solid.  We taught Grandma Ilsa again Sunday and she was with her brother and asked us to teach him, which we did.  She then bore her testimony to him about how she feels so much peace and guidance when we talk to her and about how she wants us to baptize her whole family because she knows that it is the right path to be on, so that was super cool.  Please keep praying for Grandma Ilsa because she is struggling with the Word of Wisdom, but really wants to be baptized.  Finally, we taught the family who we are going to baptize in April, and they asked us if we were still going to baptize them, and that was pretty cool.  The dad is kind of “iffy” about being baptized, so we are still not sure about him.  Anyway, it turned out that the two daughters in the family are taking an English class, and if they don’t learn it, they have to re-take the class, so who better to teach them than the Mormon Missionaries.  Hopefully we can serve them and in the process convince the dad to be baptized as well.  Sunday we also had pizza with the Lopez Family.  The Lopez family seems to be the family in the ward who likes to take care of the missionaries.
Monday: I went into Luque and got a fake Rolex, so that is sick.  I also bought some sick Chelsea Soccer socks, and now here I am writing to you.
am writing to you.
Hopefully you have enjoyed this more detailed email, I will keep writing like this in the future.   
I love you all and hope you have a good week!
Elder Turley

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